What We Do
All prices are estimated on your dog’s condition, size of the breed and behavior. There may be extra charges on the day for de-matting.Please see bottom of page for deposit terms and conditions.
Included in full groom
Prices starting from
£ 50
Bath, Conditioner and Fluff Dry
Brush out
Ear Clean
Nail Clipping
Full Body Clip and Style
Perfume Spritz

Some of our amazing results from the Emmipet tm treatment

Included in a de-shed

- Double de-shed shampoo, condition and blow dry.
- Brush out with specialized tools.
- Ear cleaning.
- Nail clip.
- Additional scissor tidy( dependent on breed).
- Perfume spritz.
Anal Glands
£ 15
Teeth Clean (Basic)
£ 17
EmmipetTM Teeth Clean – First session (30-40 mins) (price includes brush head)
£ 38
EmmipetTM Teeth Clean – Follow up’s (20-30 mins)
£ 20
Face and feet scissor tidy
Tick Removal
£ 12
Walk-in Prices
Ear Plucking
from £10
Nail Clip
£ 18
Anal Glands ( includes bottom wash and perfume spritz )
£ 20
Tick Removal
£ 12

Free Health Checks
Whilst we are not vets, we can give your dog a health check which includes weighing your dog, ear check, nails and teeth!
- To secure your appointment, a non-refundable deposit is required.
- If for any reason you are unable to make your appointment, as long as this is rescheduled no later than 48 hours before the day of your appointment, your deposit can be carried forward.
- You can only use your deposit to reschedule one time. If you need to reschedule more than once, you will need to leave a new deposit.
- If you need to reschedule within 48 hours before the day of your appointment, your deposit will be lost, and you will need to make a new one.
- Paying the deposit is acceptance of the terms and conditions.
Matting is still an ongoing issue and unfortunately we have had people leaving one star reviews on google after having to have their dogs shaved with us, through no fault of our own. We have all owners sign a disclaimer and get consent before we go ahead with any shave off. We also give owners the option to collect their dog and brush them out at home if they don’t want them to be shaved.
We do not enjoy shaving matted dogs, it is so upsetting for us to see dogs in this state and as groomers we would much rather have a long knot free coat to work with and style. Leaving negative reviews affects small businesses like ours, so we do feel that this is greatly unfair to our company when the dogs best interests will ALWAYS come first at DandyDogz.
A big thank you to all of our regular clients for your continued support.